Courage Retreat
Kindness Retreat
Orientation Guides
Peer Tutoring
Project TRUST
Rhymes of Times Sexual Harassment Prevention Play
Youth Development
Explore further to discover the various avenues through which Peer Helpers can become involved in the following volunteer opportunities!

Kindness Retreat
Presented to BEA 5th Graders

Rhymes of the Times
This awesome group raises awareness about sexual harassment & the negative effects social media can have on teens.

Courage Retreat
Presented to BEA 7th graders
Respect Retreat
Presented to BEA 9th graders
Project Trust
Presented to BEA grades 2-7
This amazing peer helping troupe, Nurse Crofton, and Ms. Albright put in hours of training (led by Illusion Theater of Minneapolis) and practices leading up to the their performances. This award winning sexual abuse play "Touch" was performed for our 2nd-7th grade students at BEA.