Telephone: 507-526-5554
Licensed for 12 infants with 3 staff members (4:1 ratio).
Features partial kitchen with room for breastmilk storage, as well as individual storage spaces for all of your baby's daily needs.
Two sleep rooms with peaceful and quiet environments. State approved cribs.
When used as an infant room we follow a 4:1 ratio with a max. of 8 infants.
When used as a toddler room we follow a 7:1 ratio with a max. of 7 toddlers.
We interact with young ones with books, songs and finger plays. Plenty of time to engage in cooperative play.
One sleep room with state-certified cribs
We start engaging children for stories, art experiences and a lot of time to use our energy!
Children eat lunch in the lunchroom, and sleep on cots during designated rest time.
Junior-sized bathroom designed to aide with potty training.
Licensed for 14 toddlers with 2 teachers. (7:1 ratio)
Structured curriculum including circle time, classroom helpers, and specialized skill-based learning centers.
Eating lunch in the lunchroom and napping on cots during rest time.
Licensed for 14 toddlers with 2 teachers. (7:1 ratio)
Preschoolers are provided a room with a variety of centers that encourage cooperative play. During our interactive group times, children learn stories, calendar, weather, and other skill-building activities. Your child will have teacher-led experiences with art and music, every day.
Junior-sized bathroom and sinks.
Licensed for 26 preschoolers with 3 teachers.
We prepare children to move directly from the Explorers room into our Jumpstart Preschool Program
Telephone: 507-526-5554